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Kapotas Wallet Minimalist

Are you looking for a thin wallet and minimalist, but you can load a lot of money? You are in the right place.

  Now you can use a lighter wallet and certainly easy to use. Do not require too much space. So, you no longer need to carry excessive, such as a large bag purse. But you can just use this minimalist wallet.

If there were an easy, why use that difficult? This material is made of genuine leather, without magnets. 100% made in the United States. This minimalist wallet can not be found elsewhere.

The advantages of this wallet is due to its thinness and lightness. You can use it in a public place, show off to your friends. So, you no longer need to feel inferior because of a trivial matter wallet. You can also enter multiple credit cards into this wallet. So, do not worry about that too much to bring the credit card you become visible mmbuat thick wallet.

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