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Tampilan Google Play Store Terbaru Ini adalah tampilan terbaru dari Play Store versi 4.3.11. OS Android version 2.3.6 (GingerBread). Gambar akan terliha…
6 Functions of Indonesian forest Indonesia is one of countries with the largest forest area in the world and really need to do the conservation. It al…
How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children? Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficul…
The frightened rabbitOnce upon a time there were some hares persecuted by the other beasts. They did not know where to go. When they saw an a…
3 Ways to Treat an Air Conditioner in Avoiding Disease When you use a home air conditioner, do not forget to take care of on a regular basis. Because when AC is not treated r…
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